
Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Final Powerpoint for Thursday to be submitted and uploaded by PDF to MyUCA

Final gunpowder powerpoint
View more presentations from RhytumMx

The Powerpoint notes will all correspond to the slides which were posted earlier. Labelled with peoples specific speaking parts in different colours.

By Timemachine Group 9.

1 comment:

  1. Feedback on presentation 3.3.11:

    Perhaps the main point for development here is to make sure that the talk is linked consistently to the images that are up on screen. To often it was difficult to find the link between what was being said and what was being shown - for this to have been clearer would have made the presentation much more engaging. It was unclear why we were looking at an image of Schopenhauer at the beginning, for example - and this slide was on screen for a long time.

    There also needs to be a stronger use of images - in fact, more images. Whilst some text can be important to reinforce information, images are the key to hook the audience and reel them into the world of your topic.

    There was, however, some good practice in presenting. There was a nice distribution of 'voices', as one person took up where another left off. This was ambitious, and suggested a good degree of preparation and collaboration. We would encourage you to develop this further, as it didn't quite come off as well as it could have done - at times the links between one voice and the next was abrupt, halting or awkward. But with practice and planning, this ambitious presentation technique could be sensational.
