
Thursday, 24 March 2011

Presentation Subject

Hey Guy's

Karen and myself had a meeting up in the library today and decided on basing the presentation on Jackson Pollock. We also split up the research throughout the group.

Research task's are as follow's for member's of the group.

Dom - Explain how Abstract Expressionism Began ? and Why is began ?

Paul - Contextualise Abstract Expressionism

Ryan - Timeline of Jackson Pollock's Life

Karen - Research his Early Life ?

Myself - Conclude with his work in Abstract Expressionism and How and Why he created the masterpiece's he did.

We are going to have another meeting in the library on Tuesday, post on here so we all know, that everyone know's there part to research and about the meeting on Tuesday in the library at about 1pm.

REMEMBER! everything you find must be referenced from a published source in the Harvard way, I know you all know that, it's just a reminder that if you find something good, reference it, as I have lost so many good thing's from not doing that.

See you guy's on Tuesday, post up what you have on your relevant part's.
